How is the annual water supply determined?
We currently have a contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) for a total of 1,150,000 AF. Our annual supply is generally determined by the allocation percentage announced by the USBR. As an example, our allocation percentage for 2013 was 20%, which equates to a supply of 230,000 AF (1,150,000 x .20).
I just purchased a home that receives water from the Westlands Water District. What should I do now?
You should contact the District to complete an M&I water application and start the process of establishing an account and water supply determination.
Is there someone I can contact if there is an emergency after normal business hours?
Yes. To report emergencies after business hours call (559) 224-1523.
I just recently purchased / leased land in Westlands Water District. Will I automatically be allocated water for this acreage?
No. To apply for a water allocation for your eligible land you are required to fill out an Application and Purchase Agreement each water year. You may also be required to complete Reclamation Law forms.
Does Westlands Water District follow a fiscal reporting year?
Yes. The District’s fiscal year (aka: Water Year) runs from March thru February.