Notices are provided to landowners and water users providing detailed information on Westlands’ news and activities. Notices are updated monthly or more often as needed.

Notice is hereby given that:
A1. Sealed bids for the well equipping and construction of site improvements for one aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells that will accept an injection flowrate of up to approximately 1,500 gallons per minute (“Project”), including all other work in accordance with the District’s Specification No. 23-04, will be received by Westlands Water District by electronic submittal until 3:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Savings Time, October 11, 2023. The submitted bids will be publicly opened and read live, either in person or online via video conferencing on October 11, 2023, 3:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Savings Time. The selection of the bid opening venue will be made no later than one week prior to the bid submission deadline. Those prospective bidders that attended the entirety of the pre-bid meeting will be notified via email and notice will be posted on the District’s website as soon as a venue is selected. The link and instructions to attend an online bid opening will be provided one week prior to the conference. Bidders are encouraged to test their Internet viewing capability in advance of bid will be considered unless it is received prior to the bidding deadline.
A2. The District reserves the right, after opening bids, to reject all bids, which may or may not include rebidding the work, and to waive any immaterial irregularity in any bid. With the Engineer’s recommendation, the General Manager may award the Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. Bids will be compared on the basis of the Engineer’s estimate of the quantities of the several items of work shown in the Bidding Schedules.
A3. Bidders are required to attend a mandatory pre-bid conference with District personnel to familiarize themselves with existing conditions and clarify any Specification details. Bidders are to meet at Westlands Water District Tranquillity Field Office, 32650 W. Adams Ave, Tranquillity, CA 93668 at 10:00am on September 27, 2023, and from there, bidders will be escorted to the job site. Attendance for the duration of the meeting and site visit is mandatory, and each Bidder shall be required to sign in at the pre-bid conference and to certify on its Bid Documents that the Bidder attended the entirety of the conference. Failure to attend the pre-bid conference waives the right to submit a bid.
A4. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the District and labeled with the name and address of the Bidder and the name of the Project. No bid will be accepted which is not on the bid form included in the Bid Documents. No bid will be accepted from a bidder who is not licensed in accordance with the California Contractors License Law (California Business and Professions Code Sections 7000 et seq.). The successful Bidder will be required to possess a current and valid California Contractor’s License of the following class: C-57. No bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is not registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) as required by Labor Code section 1725.5.
A5. Each bid must be accompanied by Bid Security in the amount of not less than Ten Percent (10%) of the Total Bid Amount, in the form of a certified check, a cashier’s check, a bidder’s bond issued by a corporate surety acceptable to the District, or cash, as a guaranty that the Bidder will, if an award is made to it in accordance with the terms of its bid, promptly secure the required insurance, payment bond, and performance bond, and execute an Agreement in the required form. A bid may be withdrawn prior to bid opening, but a Bidder may not withdraw its bid for a period of 45 days after the date and time set for the opening thereof without forfeiting its Bid Security.
A6. The Project is a public works project within the requirements of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 of the California Labor Code, and, as a result, the Contractor must pay prevailing wages under Labor Code Section 1771. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 through 1773.5 of the California Labor Code, the Director of DIR has determined the general prevailing rates of wages and employer payments for workmen needed to perform the Contract. Said rates are on file at the District Office, are incorporated herein by reference, and will be made available to any interested party on request.
A7. Pursuant to Public Contract Code section 22300, securities may be substituted for any money to be withheld by the District from the Contractor to ensure performance under the Contract. At the request and expense of the Contractor, eligible securities equivalent to the amount to be withheld shall be deposited with the District Treasurer or a state or federally chartered bank as the escrow agent. Such securities shall be delivered to the Contractor only upon satisfactory completion of the Contract. The Contractor shall be the beneficial owner of any securities substituted for moneys withheld and shall receive any interest thereon.
A8. The Bid Documents shall consist of this Notice Inviting Bids, together with the Instructions to Bidders, Bid, Bidding Schedule(s), Agreement, Specifications, and the Drawings listed therein, and any addenda that may be issued by the District prior to the time set for the opening of bids.
The Bid Documents will be available electronically for bidders to download and use for bidding purposes.
Westlands Water District is requesting bids to complete the annual painting project at six (6) District pumping plants and exterior of one (1) steel regulating tank located on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. The painting contract will include the surface preparation and painting of all surfaces identified at the 12L, 15L, 21L, 17R-B, 24L, and 29L Pumping Plants as well as the exterior of the 17R-C Steel Regulating Tank. The Project is scheduled between September and November 2024. The pre-bid conference is scheduled for July 9, 2024 at 10:00 am. Proposals are due by July 31, 2024 at 5:00 pm. The notice inviting bids, instructions to bidders, and bid forms can be obtained below.
Westlands Water District is requesting bids to complete the annual painting project at one (1) District steel regulating tank located on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. The painting contract will include the surface preparation and painting of all interior surfaces of the 17R-C Steel Regulating Tank. The Project is scheduled between September and October 2024. The pre-bid conference is scheduled for July 10, 2024 at 10:00 am. Proposals are due by August 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm. The notice inviting bids, instructions to bidders, and bid forms can be obtained below.
Request for Proposals
Landowner Notices
January Monthly Notice (#767) - January 28, 2025Notice of Public Hearing (#766) - January 6, 2025
December Monthly Notice (#765) - December 20, 2024November Monthly Notice (#762) - November 22, 2024Notice (#761) - November 8, 2024Notice (#760) - October 28, 2024Notice (#759) - October 25, 2024Notice (#758) - October 21, 2024October Monthly Notice (#757) - October 18, 2024Notice (#756) - October 11, 20242024-2025 District Election (#755) - October 8, 2024September Monthly Notice (#754) - September 19, 20242024-2025 Water Year Crop Data Collection (#753) - September 12, 2024August Monthly Notice (#752) - August 27, 2024August Monthly Notice (#751) - August 26, 2024Notice (#750) - August 14, 2024August Notice (#749) - August 9, 2024August Notice (#748) - August 1, 2024July Notice (#747) - July 29, 2024July Monthly Notice (#746) - July 19, 2024Notice to Water Users Regarding Amending 2024-2025 Agricultural Water Allocation Application (#745) - June 27, 2024June Monthly Notice (#744) - June 21, 2024Notice (#743) - June 14, 2024Notice to Landowners: Reminder of Deadline to Submit Applications for Supplemental Water (#742) - May 29, 2024May Monthly Notice (#741) - May 24, 2024Notice to Landowners Extending Deadline to Submit Applications for Supplemental Water (#740) - April 24, 2024April Monthly Notice (#739) - April 19, 2024March Monthly Notice (#737) - March 25, 2024NEW DATE: March Board Meeting and Water User Workshop (#736) - March 8, 2024Year-End Leveling of Water User Accounts (#734) - March 6, 2024February Monthly Notice (#733) - February 26, 2024Year-End Meter Readings (#732) - February 23, 2024Notice of Preparation of a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (#731) - February 2, 2024January Monthly Notice (#730) - January 22, 2024Groundwater Allocation Application Due Date (#729) - January 11, 2024District Website – Web User Login (#728) - January 10, 2024
December Monthly Notice (#726) - December 22, 20232024-2025 Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement (#724a) - December 18, 2023New District Office Location (#723) - December 12, 2023District Wide Water Service Outage 12-4 to 12-8 (#722) - December 1, 2023November Monthly Notice (#721) - November 22, 2023New Mailing Address (#720) - November 20, 2023Availability of 75/25 Program Groundwater Recharge Program Agreement Private Recharge Facility Use (#719) - November 20, 2023Availability of 75/25 Program Groundwater Recharge Program Agreement Private Recharge Facility Use (#718) - November 13, 2023Message from Golden State Clean Energy (#717) - November 3, 2023October Monthly Notice (#716) - October 20, 2023September Monthly Notice (#715) - September 22, 2023Notice to Landowners Regarding 2023-2024 Turn Back Pool (#714) - August 24, 2023August Monthly Notice (#713) - August 18, 2023Reminder Notice for 2023-2024 Water Year Crop Data Collection – Due August 22, 2023 (#712) - August 15, 2023July Monthly Notice (#710) - July 21, 2023June Monthly Notice (#709) - June 23, 2023Message from Golden State Clean Energy (#707) - June 1, 2023May Monthly Notice (#706) - May 19, 2023April Notice (#705) - April 25, 2023 Revised on: April 25, 2023April Monthly Notice (#704) - April 21, 2023Landowners Workshop On Valley Clean Infrastructure Program (#703) - April 18, 2023Notice to Water Users Regarding Allocation of Delta Division Section 215 Water (#702) - April 13, 2023March Special Notice (#700) - March 28, 2023March Monthly Notice (#699) - March 24, 2023Notice to Landowners Regarding Allocation of Flood Flows and Section 215 Water Available from the Mendota Pool (#698) - March 17, 2023March Special Notice (#697) - March 13, 2023Notice to Landowners Regarding Potential Availability of Flood Flows and Section 215 Water for Purchase – Response May be Required (#696) - March 8, 2023Year-End Meter Readings (#695) - February 27, 2023February Monthly Notice (#694) - February 24, 2023January Monthly Notice (#693) - January 20, 2023
December Monthly Notice (#690) - December 22, 20222023-2024 Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement (#688a) - December 14, 20222023-2024 Groundwater Allocation Applications Due January 18, 2023 (#687) - December 6, 2022District Election Results (#686) - November 28, 2022November Monthly Notice (#685) - November 21, 2022Preliminary District Election Results (#684) - November 14, 2022NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR VOTE COUNT FOR WESTLANDS WATER DISTRICT’S NOVEMBER 8, 2022 GENERAL ELECTION (#683) - October 25, 2022October Monthly Notice (#682) - October 21, 2022Notice To Landowners On The Tiered Pumping Allocation And Extension of Deadline To Submit Applications (#681) - September 29, 2022September Monthly Notice (#680) - September 23, 2022Westlands Water District 2022 General Election Pre-Authorization Process (#679) - September 8, 20222022-2023 Water Year Crop Data Collection (#678) - September 1, 2022Notice To Landowners Of The Tiered Pumping Allocation And Invitation To Subscribe (#677) - August 26, 2022August Monthly Notice (#676) - August 19, 20222022-2023 Supplemental Water Advance Charges (#674) - July 22, 2022July Monthly Notice (#673) - July 22, 2022Notice To Landowners Of Proposed Land Acquisition Program (#672) - July 15, 2022Westlands Water District 2022 General Election (#671) - July 7, 2022June Monthly Notice (#670) - June 24, 2022May Monthly Notice (#669) - May 20, 2022Letter from President Ryan Ferguson (#668) - April 28, 2022April Monthly Notice (#667) - April 22, 2022March Monthly Notice (#665) - March 18, 2022February Monthly Notice (#664) - February 18, 2022Board of Directors Vacancy (#663) - February 16, 2022January Monthly Notice (#662) - January 21, 2022
Notice to Landowners of Proposed Water Rates, Charges and Land-Based Charges (#661) - December 30, 2021December Monthly Notice (#660) - December 23, 20212022-2023 Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement (#658a) - December 16, 20212021-2022 Supplemental Water Advance Charges #659 - December 13, 2021November Monthly Notice (#657) - November 19, 2021Westlands Water District Policy for Unclaimed Monies (#656) - October 28, 2021October Monthly Notice (#655) - October 22, 2021September Monthly Notice (#654) - September 24, 2021Reminder Notice for 2021-2022 Water Year Crop Data Collection – Due September 15, 2021 (#653) - September 3, 2021August Monthly Notice (#652) - August 20, 2021July Monthly Notice (#650) - July 23, 2021June Monthly Notice (#648) - June 18, 2021DWR Aquatic Growth Treatment – Tuesday June 8, 2021 (#647) - June 4, 2021Outdoor Use of M&I Water Prohibited (#646) - May 26, 2021May Monthly Notice (#645) - May 21, 2021April Monthly Notice (#642) - April 23, 2021March Monthly Notice (#641) - March 19, 2021Landowner Responsibilities (#640) - February 26, 2021February Monthly Notice (#638) - February 19, 2021Assignments to Standing Committees of the District Board (#637) - February 8, 2021January Monthly Notice (#636) - January 22, 2021
Notice to Landowners of Proposed Water Rates, Charges and Land-Based Charges (#635) - December 31, 2020Assignments to Standing Committees of the District Board (#634) - December 29, 20202021-2022 Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement (#630a) - December 21, 2020December Monthly Notice (#633) - December 18, 2020Board of Directors Vacancy (#632) - December 16, 2020Exemption from the Ownership and Full-Cost Pricing Provisions of Federal Reclamation Law (#631) - December 9, 20202020 District General Election Results (#629) - November 20, 2020November Monthly Notice (#628) - November 20, 2020Preliminary District Election Results (#627) - November 6, 2020NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR VOTE COUNT FOR WESTLANDS WATER DISTRICT’S NOVEMBER 3, 2020 GENERAL ELECTION (#626) - October 28, 2020October Monthly Notice (#625) - October 23, 2020September Monthly Notice (#624) - September 18, 2020Your Vote is Important – Make it Count (#623) - September 17, 2020Reminder Notice for 2020-21 Water Year Crop Data Collection – Due September 15, 2020 (#622) - September 8, 2020August Monthly Notice (#621) - August 21, 2020July Monthly Notice (#619) - July 24, 2020District Election Information (#618) - July 17, 2020DWR Aquatic Growth Treatment – Tuesday June 30, 2020 (#617) - June 26, 2020June Monthly Notice (#616) - June 19, 2020May Monthly Notice (#615) - May 21, 2020Notice of Equalization Hearing 2020 District Assessment - April 27, 2020April Monthly Notice (#613) - April 24, 2020E-Statement Notification Message for March 2020 (#612) - April 10, 2020March Monthly Notice (#610) - March 20, 2020Office communication during Coronavirus pandemic (#608) - March 17, 2020Notice of Cancellation (#607) - March 12, 2020February Monthly Notice (#606) - February 28, 2020Year-End Meter Readings (#605) - February 20, 2020Rescheduling of Public Hearing on Proposed 2020-2021 Water Rates, Charges and Land-Based Charges (#604) - February 12, 2020Landowner Responsibilities (#603) - January 29, 2020January Monthly Notice (#602) - January 24, 2020Notice to Landowners (#601) - January 10, 2020
December Monthly Notice (#565) - December 21, 20182019-2020 Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement (#564-a) - December 14, 2018 Revised on: March 29, 2019Cancelled Special Meeting of the Board of Directors to Consider Capital Improvement Plan (#563) - December 3, 2018Cancelled Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Workshop (#562) - November 28, 2018November Monthly Notice (#561) - November 26, 2018Westlands Accepting Board of Director Declarations of Candidacy (#560) - October 31, 2018District Election Notice (#559) - October 30, 2018October Monthly Notice (#558) - October 19, 2018September Monthly Notice (#557) - September 24, 2018Board of Directors Vacancy (#556) - September 19, 2018Reminder Notice for 2018-2019 Water Year Crop Data Collection – Due September 14, 2018 (#555) - September 7, 2018August Monthly Notice (#554) - August 17, 20182018-2019 Water Supply Update – Rescheduling (#552) - August 3, 2018Conclusion of the Groundwater Management Program Wells Emergency Shutdown Request (#551) - July 30, 2018Voluntary Emergency Shutdown Request (#550) - July 27, 2018July Monthly Notice (#549) - July 19, 2018June Monthly Notice (#548) - June 22, 20182018-2019 Water Supply Update (#547) - June 15, 2018Conclusion of Dos Amigos Planned Shutdown (#546) - June 12, 2018Extension of Dos Amigos Planned Shutdown (#545) - June 12, 2018Reminder – Dos Amigos Planned Shutdown (#544) - June 8, 2018Dos Amigos Planned Shutdown (#543) - June 5, 20182018-2019 Water Supply Update (#542) - April 25, 2018May Monthly Notice (#541) - May 17, 20182018-2019 Water Supply Update – Rescheduling (#539) - April 24, 2018April Monthly Notice (#538) - April 20, 2018Elections Moved to Even-Numbered Years (#537) - April 18, 20182017-2018 Rescheduled Water (#536) - March 29, 2018March Monthly Notice (#535) - March 23, 2018Year-End Meter Readings (#534) - February 27, 2018February Monthly Notice (#533) - February 23, 2018District O&M Rate Waived on Lost Water (#532) - February 20, 2018Conclusion of Emergency Shutdown and Refill Process (#531) - February 11, 2018Emergency Shutdown Notice (#530) - February 10, 2018January Monthly Notice (#529) - January 23, 2018Notice to Landowners (#528) - January 10, 2018
December Monthly Notice (#526) - December 21, 20172018-2019 Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement (#525a) - December 11, 2017November Monthly Notice (#524) - November 27, 2017Abandonment of District Election Recount (#523) - November 8, 2017District Election Recount (#522) - November 2, 2017District Election Results (#521) - October 30, 2017October Monthly Notice (#520) - October 19, 2017District Election Information (#519) - September 28, 2017September Monthly Notice (#518) - September 22, 2017Revised Due Date for Second Installment of Land-Based Charges (#517) - September 20, 2017California Water Fix Questionnaire – Due September 18, 2017 (#516) - September 12, 2017Reminder Notice for 2017-2018 Water Year Crop Data Collection – Due September 15, 2017 (#515) - September 5, 2017Results of Proposition 218 Vote and 2017 Benefit Assessment Equalization Hearing (#514) - August 30, 2017August Monthly Notice (#513) - August 18, 2017Effect of New Assessment Methodology (#510) - August 11, 2017District Election Notice (#509) - August 10, 2017July Monthly Notice (#508) - July 21, 2017June Monthly Notice (#507) - June 23, 2017May Monthly Notice (#505) - May 18, 2017April Monthly Notice (#502) - April 21, 2017March Monthly Notice (#498) - March 23, 2017February Monthly Notice (#497) - March 3, 2017Special Notice – Water Allocation and Water Supply (#496) - March 2, 2017Rescheduling Water, San Luis Reservoir Refill and Loss Projections (#495) - February 10, 2017Rescheduling of Public Hearing on Proposed 2017-2018 Water Rates (#494) - January 27, 2017Section 215 Water and Application (#493) - January 20, 2017January Monthly Notice (#492) - January 20, 2017Annual Certification/Reporting Forms and Questionnaire (#491) - January 13, 2017
December Monthly Notice (#488) (PDF) 12/22/2016
Water User Meeting with Congressman David Valadao – December 16, 2016, 9:00 a.m. (#487) (PDF) 12/13/2016
2017-2018 Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement (#486-a) (PDF) 12/9/2016
November Monthly Notice (#485) (PDF) 11/28/2016
Upcoming Holiday Office Closures and Water Ordering Procedures (#484) (PDF)11/4/2016
October Monthly Notice (#483) (PDF) 10/21/2016
September Monthly Notice (#482) (PDF) 9/22/2016
Reminder – Crop Data Collection (#481) (PDF) 9/14/2016
August Monthly Notice (#480) (PDF) 8/19/2016
Crop Data Collection Notice (#479) (PDF) 8/16/2016
July Notice – 2016 CVP Operations Update (#478) (PDF) 7/25/2016
July Monthly Notice (#477) (PDF) 7/12/2016
July Notice – Supplemental Water Advance Charges (#476) (PDF) 7/12/2016
June Monthly Notice (#475) (PDF) 6/24/2016
June Notice – District’s Rescheduled Water Policy (#474) (PDF) 6/14/2016
May Monthly Notice (#473) (PDF) 5/19/2016
April Monthly Notice (#471) (PDF) 4/21/2016
April Notice – Amendment for Application of Supplemental Water (#470) (PDF)4/1/2016
March Monthly Notice (#469) (PDF) 3/18/2016
February Monthly Notice (#468) (PDF) 2/19/2016
February Notice – SGMA Proposed Basin Boundary (#467) (PDF) 2/11/2016
January Monthly Notice (#466) (PDF) 1/22/2016
Annual Certification/Reporting Forms and Questionnaire (#465) (PDF) 1/6/2016
Notice to Landowners of Proposed Water Rates, Charges and Land-Based Charges (#464) (PDF) 12/31/2015
December Monthly Notice (#463) (PDF) 12/18/2015
December Monthly Notice (#462) (PDF) 12/11/2015
November Monthly Notice (#461) (PDF) 11/19/2015
October Monthly Notice (#460) (PDF) 10/23/2015
October Notice – Agenda for October 13th Water User Workshop (#459) (PDF)10/6/2015
September Monthly Notice (#458) (PDF) 9/18/2015
August Notice (#457) (PDF) 9/10/2015
August Notice (#456) (PDF) 8/28/2015
August Notice (#455) (PDF) 8/21/2015
August Notice (#454) (PDF) 8/20/2015
August Notice (#453) (PDF) 8/14/2015
July Notice (#452) (PDF) 7/28/2015
July Notice (#451) (PDF) 7/24/2015
June Notice (#450) (PDF) 6/19/2015
June Notice (#449) (PDF) 6/4/2015
May Notice (#448) (PDF) 5/22/2015
April Notice (#447) (PDF) 4/24/2015
April Notice (#446) (PDF) 4/16/2015
March Notice (#445) (PDF) 3/20/2015
February Notice (#444) (PDF) 2/20/2015
January Notice (#443) (PDF) 1/22/2015
January Notice (#442) (PDF) 1/14/2015
January Notice (#441) (PDF) 1/5/2015
January Notice (#440) (PDF) 1/2/2015
December Notice (#439) (PDF) 12/18/2014
December Notice (#438-A) (PDF) 12/12/2014
December Notice (#437) (PDF) 12/1/2014
November Notice (#436) (PDF) 11/10/2014
November Notice (#435) (PDF) 11/3/2014
October Notice (#434) (PDF) 10/15/2014
October Notice (#433) (PDF) 10/13/2014
October Notice (#432) (PDF) 10/3/2014
October Notice (#431) (PDF) 10/2/2014
September Notice (#430) (PDF) 9/29/2014
September Notice (#429) (PDF) 9/18/2014
September Notice (#428) (PDF) 9/10/2014
August Notice (#427) (PDF) 8/21/2014
August Notice (#426) (PDF) 8/15/2014
July Notice (#425) (PDF) 7/17/2014
July Notice (#424) (PDF) 7/1/2014
June Notice (#423) (PDF) 6/19/2014
June Notice (#422) (PDF) 6/13/2014
May Notice (#421) (PDF) 5/23/2014
April Notice (#420) (PDF) 4/21/2014 (244 Kb)
March Notice (#419) (PDF) 3/24/2014 (263 Kb)
March Notice (#418) (PDF) 3/14/2014 (222 Kb PDF)
March Notice (#417) (PDF) 3/13/2014 (1,269 Kb)
February Notice (#416) (PDF) 2/27/2014 (226 Kb)
February Notice (#415) (PDF) 2/24/2014 (445 Kb)
February Notice (#413) (PDF) 2/14/2014 (186 Kb)
January Notice (#412) (PDF) 1/31/2014 (242 Kb)
January Notice (#411) (PDF) 1/3/2014 (275 Kb)
January Notice (#410) (PDF) 1/2/2014 (231 Kb)