Download Standard EISIRP/P3 Application (PDF)
Download Bid Package EISIRP/P3 (PDF), about 304KB.
Westlands’ Expanded Irrigation System Improvement or Recharge Program (EISIRP)/Public Purpose Program (P3) Grant offers low-interest loans to water users who are currently enrolled in the Groundwater Management Program, Irrigation System Management Program, or Temporary Diversion Program. The EISIRP/P3 funds up to $ 200,000 and is supplemented by PWRPA P3 grant funding towards the purchase of irrigation system equipment, design of irrigation system, and purchase of portable aluminum irrigation pipe, micro-irrigation, linear move, center pivots, filtration systems, water level and water monitoring devices, and sublateral recharge and drywells.
The EISIRP/P3 lease may be executed for up to $ 200,000. Eligible applicants may receive funding for up to $ 70,000 or 35% of the total lease purchase, whichever is less, towards the purchase of irrigation system equipment. The equipment must be installed on land that is served by a pump that is enrolled in one of the aforementioned District programs. Repayment of the remaining balance over a maximum, four-year term, to include interest charges of 3.1% annually. The lease may be used to pay for equipment, but installation costs are excluded. The Applicant must designate 160 acres of non-annexed land security for each lease (a full quarter section, minus road rights-of-ways). Insurance on the equipment is required.
All landowner signatures on the lease will be notarized. Notary services for this purpose are available at the Fresno District Office. After execution, Westlands will record the lease with the county recorder.
Application Process
Westlands uses a standard application for EISIRP/P3 irrigation systems and/or equipment. As funds become available, the next applicant on the list is contacted to participate in the program. The applicant must execute a lease generally within 90 days of notification or forfeit the opportunity to participate. An applicant may submit more than one application annually; however, priority will be given to applicants who have not participated in the EISIRP/P3 for that given year.
Bid Process
The equipment design and procurement process begin upon the applicant’s notification by the District to proceed. The applicant must obtain bids for the project on their own behalf. Each submitted bid must include a District provided Bid Submittal Form signed by the vendor. The Form must be completed and include the Request for Quotation (RFQ#) identification number, the installation parcel identification or the water user name for portable aluminum irrigation systems, the total cost of the equipment, and the applicable sales tax. In addition, a detailed equipment list must accompany the Form.
The District requires at least three bids for the irrigation equipment and/or system. The District retains the right to make the final decision regarding the responsiveness of any bid. The District shall award the contract to the lowest responsive bidder upon execution of the lease by the applicant.
The District pays the vendor’s invoice upon receipt of all equipment delivery acknowledgments signed by the applicant. Please contact the Resources Department at (559) 224-1523 with any questions or requests for a bid package. A link to download the bid package in PDF is available at the top of this page.