The collection of crop data is required by the District’s water repayment contract with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation). Accurate and timely crop information is needed to document the District’s water need, its efficient use, and the impacts of water shortages due to hydrologic and regulatory restrictions.
The Crop Report may conveniently be completed online using your customer web account and the web page labeled Crop Report on the selection menu. Filing your crop data online will provide more accurate data and efficient summarization for submission to Reclamation. A page of help notes is attached to this notice to assist you with using the online crop report form.
Please account for all USDA Farm Service Agency (CFSA) acres by indicating the appropriate crop (or fallow if applicable) for each field in your account. Indicate any fields that are double-cropped and the type of crops. For each crop listed, indicate the irrigation type(s) used, and any other conditions that may apply to that field.
For permanent crops that are nonbearing, indicate the type of tree crop or vine crop. Also, indicate any crops that are not harvested, and the type of crop not harvested. Be as specific as possible regarding crop varieties or market. For example:
Cotton: | Pima or acala |
Tomatoes: | Processing or fresh market |
Onions: | Processing or fresh market |
Melons: | Cantaloupe, honeydew, or watermelon |
Grapes: | Wine, table, or raisin |
Lettuce: | Spring or Fall |
The District’s Terms and Conditions for Agricultural Water Service state that water service shall not be provided to any water user who fails to submit crop information by the deadline. Your accurate and prompt compliance is appreciated and will ensure continued water deliveries.
If you require a paper Crop Report form because you do not have access to a computer or need assistance with using the online Crop Report, please contact the Customer Accounting Department at (559) 241-6250. The Crop Report Data Entry web page will be available for data entry through August 22, 2023. Please complete your online Crop Report no later than August 22, 2023.
No. 711
Westlands Water District
Customer Web Page Crop Report Data Entry Help Notes
Enter your account number and select Crop Report from the selection menu on your private customer web page. You will be presented with a current list of fields based on the District’s records.
Edit: Click the pencil at the far left of each field or double-click the row you wish to edit. When the record is activated, a green check mark and a red “x” will appear in place of the pencil. When all information for a given field is entered, you must click the green check mark to update the record. To cancel the entry, click the red x. If you have not accounted for all the USDA Farm Service Agency (CFSA) acres for a given field, a new row for that field will be created for you until all acres are accounted for.
Crop Acres: Enter the applicable acres for the crop grown.
Crop Name: Select crop name or fallow. Except for alfalfa seeds, all other seed crops will be reported as Seed Crop – Misc. All types of peppers are reported as Peppers – Misc.
Irrigation Type: Refer to the Legend shown on the Crop Report web page and check the appropriate boxes in the form to indicate the type(s) of irrigation systems used. If the crop selected is fallow, then do not select an irrigation type. There is also a column titled “Other Irrigation Type.” This new feature will allow for additional irrigation types that are not included in the Legend, such as “Dry Land Farming.” For example, if you planted a crop (such as wheat) and relied primarily on precipitation, then select “Dry Land Farming.”
Other Field Characteristics: Check the appropriate boxes to indicate other conditions applicable to that field, such as E for Tail water reused from another field or R for Tail water reused on same field. Other choices include NB for Non-Bearing (permanent crops or vines) and NH for Not Harvested (as in the case of nursery crops).
Enter a Double Crop: Select the (+) from the column titled Add Double Crop on the row of the field where multiple crops were grown during the year. Enter Crop Acres, Crop Name, Irrigation Type and other field characteristics as appropriate and save the record. Before adding information for a double crop, entries for the first crop must total all the acres in a field.
Status: The Status column should have the word Saved for each field that has been accurately updated. If you have a status message other than Saved, additional entries or corrections are required.
Delete Row: To remove an added row, click on the trash can in the far-right column of the screen and the record will be deleted.
Sorting: You can sort by any column header by clicking the column title. The first click will sort the data ascending. Another click will sort the data descending. A third click will put the data back in default sort order.
Searching: You can search or filter data by entering characters in the blank boxes under the column headers and then click the filter icon.
Verify Report is Complete: If you filter out any records that have a Saved status, the remaining rows require additional entries or corrections. After all records show “Saved Status” the entry process is complete.
Reports: Click the Report Options button on the bottom left of the Crop Report Data Entry screen if you would like a printout of your entries. Note: It is not necessary to send a report to Westlands Water District, as the information can be viewed online.
Due Date: Your Crop Report data will be available for online editing by you until the due date. After the due date, you may view but not edit the data.
Call Customer Accounting at (559) 241-6250 for additional help.