This notice regards:
Items to Note
Annual Water Users’ Workshop
The Annual Water Users’ Workshop will be held Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. at the District’s Five Points Shop and Field Office. District staff will provide updates on District activities and other matters.
Westlands Water Quality Coalition Members
Kori Peterson: (559) 241-6231 or
The 2023 crop year Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan (INMP) Reports are due on March 1, 2024. All INMP submissions are required to be completed on the Coalition Website. The District hosted the Annual Member Outreach Event on February 6th. If you have not fulfilled the Annual Outreach requirement, the “2024 WWQC Member Outreach Event” video is now available to watch on the Coalition Website.
The Coalition prohibits agricultural discharges into the westside creeks, including discharges due to filtration system backflushing, irrigation leaks, and tailwater runoff. These discharges are also considered a waste of water and are violations of the District’s “Article 2 – Regulations for the Allocation and use of Agricultural Water Within Westlands Water District”. Members are required to implement Best Management Practices to ensure there are no discharges to the westside creeks.
2024-2025 Budget, Water Rates, Charges and Land-Based Charges Approved
At the February 22, 2024, meeting, the Board of Directors adopted the 2024-2025 Recommended Budget. The budget totals $226,756,400 and may be revised when the final water supply is determined. The budget provides funds for water and power purchases and the operations, maintenance, and administrative activities of the District. The budget also includes funding for coordination with other agencies and contractors on water supply matters, legal challenges to our water supplies, debt service on the San Luis Unit/Westlands Water District Financing Authority
Revenue Bonds, Westlands Water Quality Coalition activities, and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
The Board approved the implementation of the water rates and charges. These rates are based on a 25% Central Valley Project contract water allocation and other delivered water supplies totaling 459,688 acre-feet. With this total supply, the District O&M rate is $55.07 per acre-foot. The adopted O&M water rate of $55.07 may require modification when the final CVP contract water allocation is determined. The Board also approved land-based charges for District water
supply debt service and debt service on the San Luis Unit/Westlands Water District Financing Authority Revenue Bonds. In addition, a Westlands Water Quality Coalition charge and a Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) charge were approved to cover the costs associated with administering these programs.
Water users should also note that approved Overuse of Water Supply Charges are $12,282 each month when any billed overuse occurs, and $1,591 each month for those who are subject to Advance Payment Monitoring. Additionally, a Meter Turn Off for Use Without Order charge for meters running without a valid water order was approved and is $771.81 per lateral. Water users can avoid these charges by discontinuing water use when their water supply is exhausted, making timely payments, and placing valid water orders in compliance with District regulations. Tools are available on the customer section of the District’s website to help water users determine when they will run out of water. Contact your Customer Service Representative if you need assistance with website data or to establish a secure login.
The District will impose a processing fee for parcel information requests or bank assurance letters. The fees will range from $97.62 to $675.81 depending on the number of parcels involved.
The complete list of 2024-2025 rates, charges, and credits will be uploaded on the District’s website on or about March 1, 2024. From the home page, click Water Management, then click Water Rates.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Update
Antonio Solorio: (559) 241-6244 or
The District implemented the Zero Rate Surface Water Agreement and Private Recharge Facility Use for $100/AF Agreement on April 1, 2023. The Agreements can be found on the District’s website. Per the Agreements, surface water used for recharge will be credited back to the water user at the ACCOUNT level and prorated to all the meters that have usage that month. Please provide meter readings at the end of the month to ensure you are re-allocated for surface
water used for recharge on the District’s behalf.
The District implemented the 75/25 Program to utilize Central Valley Project contract water in water users’ accounts, to promote groundwater recharge and reduce exposure to Cap Loss. The 75/25 Program allows water users to deliver, manage recharge, and pay for their surface water and the District will reimburse participating Water Users $62.36/AF of surface water delivered to the recharge facility.
The Board directed staff to continue recharging water past March 1st if the San Luis Reservoir fills and/or section 215 water (or other flood water) becomes available. The District will notify participants in the $100/AF and Zero Rate programs if the recharge program will terminate on February 29, 2024, or continue. The 75/25 Program was approved for the 2024-2025 water year.
The expedited application is valid through the spring or until 215, full SLR, or any other flood flow is available. If you submitted an expedited 2023 Recharge Application and would like to continue recharging beyond spring, please submit the Standard Groundwater Recharge Application for the 2024-25 Contract Year.
The next Advisory and Technical Advisory Committee Meetings are scheduled for February 27, 2024, at 9:00 am.
Holiday Office Closures & Water Ordering Procedures
The emergency telephone number for after-hours and holidays is (559) 224-1523
District offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024, in observance of Memorial Day. The affected water ordering deadlines are as follows:
For Water Use On | Place Water Order By |
Saturday or Sunday – May 25 or 26 | Friday, May 24, 9:30 a.m. |
Monday or Tuesday – May 27 or 28 | Friday, May 24, noon |
Water Users Web User Login Page – Buy and Sell Offers
Customer Service Representative: (559) 241-6250
The District offers a message board for water users who wish to buy and sell water on its Web User login page. The message board allows water users to post their name, phone number, offers to buy or sell water, and a brief description, and matches water users with excess water and those with unmet demands.
Customer Service Representative: (559) 241-6250
The District offers a message board for water users who wish to buy and sell water on its Web User login page. The message board allows water users to post their name, phone number, offers to buy or sell water, and a brief description, and matches water users with excess water and those with unmet demands.
2024-2025 Agricultural Water Allocation Applications Due January 18, 2024
Water users should have received their 2024-2025 Agricultural Water Allocation Application packets. Landowners did not receive packets unless they were also water users or had requested them previously. Allocation Applications were due to the District by 5:00 p.m. on January 18, 2024. Late applications can still be submitted and can be faxed to the District at (559) 241-6277, mailed to or dropped off at the District’s main Fresno office, 286 W. Cromwell Ave, Fresno, CA 93711, or Five Points office, 23050 W. Mt Whitney, Five Points, CA 93624.
Typically, the landowners’ tenant farmers will submit the Allocation Applications. However, landowners may submit the Allocation Application themselves if more direct control of the allocation to their land is desired or tenants have not been selected. Landowners are reminded that the costs associated with water applied for and allocated must be paid, even if the water is not used.
If more than one Allocation Application is received for the same parcel of land, priority will be given to the landowner in accordance with the District’s rules and regulations. If neither entity submitting the Allocation Application owns the land, priority will be given to the water user who provides evidence of the right to occupy the land and receive the allocation.
The District is also requesting an estimate of the number of acres you expect to fallow in the 2024-2025 water contract year. Providing this information will not affect your request for a water supply allocation. The information will only be used to educate the public on how the continued lack of water supply is impacting water users.
2024-2025 Groundwater Allocation Applications Due January 18, 2024
On December 19, 2023, staff mailed the Groundwater Allocation Applications to landowners throughout the District. The Applications were due to the District at or before 5:00 p.m., January 18, 2024, to be considered timely. Late applications can still be submitted and can be faxed to the District at (559) 241-6277, mailed to or dropped off at the District’s main Fresno office, 286 W. Cromwell Ave, Fresno, CA 93711, or Five Points office, 23050 W. Mt Whitney, Five Points, CA 93624.
All Groundwater Users within the Westside Subbasin boundary are subject to the District’s Regulations. The groundwater allocation is made at the parcel level to all eligible gross acres (also referred to as assessed acres).
If more than one application is received for the same parcel of land, priority will be given to the Landowner in accordance with the District’s Regulations. If none of the applications are from the Landowner, priority will be given to the water user who provides evidence of the right to occupy the land and receive the allocation.
2024-2025 Supplemental Water Application – Response May Be Required
Customer Accounting Representative: (559) 241-6250
The District is planning to acquire Supplemental Water from multiple sources for the 2024-2025 water contract year. The District anticipates that a substantial allocation of Supplemental Water to water users could occur in late spring.
When Supplemental Water is made available for allocation, the quantity allocated to a water user’s account is a proration based on the water available at that time and the number of irrigable acres associated with accounts that have outstanding requests. When an account’s request has been fulfilled, it will no longer receive allocations, and the irrigable acres associated with that account will not be factored into subsequent allocations. Accordingly, water users with relatively
high per-acre requests will receive the bulk (increment above the pro-rata amount) of their request later, if water is available.
Advance payment for acquisition costs of the water is required at the time Supplemental Water is made available for allocation, while operation and maintenance-related costs will be billed when the water is used. The District will notify water users regarding the allocation advance payment when acquisition costs are more certain. The allocation advance payment will apply toward the
delivered Supplemental Water rate. If an advance payment is delinquent for 30 days or more, the District may withdraw the water made available for allocation to a water user and reduce the water user’s outstanding request by the same amount.
If you would like to be part of the 2024-2025 Supplemental Water program, please complete the enclosed agreement and return it to the Fresno Office by close of business on May 1, 2024, by one of the following means.
- Mail to: Westlands Water District, P.O. Box 5199, Fresno, CA 93755. You may also hand deliver the agreement to the District’s Fresno Office, at 286 W. Cromwell Ave, Fresno, CA 93711.
- Scan and email:
- Facsimile to: (559) 241-6276
Agreements not received at the District or postmarked by the due date will not be
considered timely. Late Requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis
after timely requests are filled.
2024-2025 CVP Contract Allocation
On February 21, 2024, the Bureau of Reclamation announced an initial 2024-25 Central Valley Project (CVP) allocation of 15% for south of Delta agricultural water contractors. The initial allocation is based on runoff projections using hydrologic information through the end of January and conservative estimates for hydrology and CVP operations going forward. Reclamation will make additional allocation announcements based on updated hydrologic information as it is available.
The final allocation, typically made in April or May, will depend on the actual hydrology in the watersheds that produce runoff in the upper Sacramento River basin. District staff projects that the allocation, under a median hydrology, could be 50%. If the hydrology is above average, and if there is significant runoff on the San Joaquin River during the spring, the allocation could be greater. The District will continue to monitor and timely report any changes to the CVP allocation.
2023-2024 Water Supply Update
The CVP currently has approximately 9,192,000 acre-feet (AF) of water stored in northern CVP reservoirs; this represents 129% of the 15-year average. Shasta Reservoir storage is approximately 3,960,000 AF; 129% of the 15-year average. Federal storage in San Luis Reservoir is 900,000 AF; 138% of the 15-year average. Jones Pumping Plant operated at 93% of capacity thus far in February.
2023-2024 Water Rescheduling
Russ Freeman: (559) 241-6241, Stephen Farmer: (559) 241-6240
The District will be limited to rescheduling approximately 120,000 acre-feet into the 2024-25 water contract year. The water remaining at contract year-end in excess of the rescheduling limit will be lost according to the District’s Rescheduling Policy.
Water users are reminded that according to the District’s Rescheduling Policy, loss (whether cap or rescheduling) is prorated based on volume per acre, from highest to lowest, and is applied in the following order and manner:
- Any remaining Rescheduled Water in excess of the Acreage Based Cap (0.5 acre-feet per irrigable acre)
- Water rescheduled by the District
- Remaining Rescheduled Water
- Delivered Rescheduled Water in excess of the Acreage Based Cap
- Delivered Rescheduled Water within the Acreage Based Cap
Although the District’s Rescheduling Policy permits rescheduling in excess of the Acreage Based Cap, staff expects that after Cap Loss is applied, there will be 0.26 – 0.35 acre-feet per acre remaining, assuming all eligible acres participate in rescheduling water. If the San Luis Reservoir fills, and there is a loss due to foregone pumping (Rescheduling Loss), then that loss will be applied in addition to the Cap Loss.
As a reminder, if a water user loses water, the District will bill the water user for all costs associated with the lost water.
New Mailing Address
Westlands Water District has moved the Fresno office to 286 W. Cromwell Ave, Fresno, CA 93711 and updated our P.O. Box accordingly. Landowners and water users are asked to mail correspondence (bills, payments, etc.) to the new P.O. Box: P.O. Box 5199, Fresno, CA 93755.
Water Ordering and Meter Turn Off
Customer Service Representative: (559) 241-6250
To set up a Westlands online account, please contact your Customer Service Representative.
For Water Use On | Place Water Order By | Method |
Tuesday-Saturday | Day before | 7:30-9:30 a.m., by telephone or fax, or 10:00 a.m. by website |
Sunday-Monday | Friday before | 12:00 p.m. by telephone, fax, or website |
Phone (559) 241-6250 or (800) 266-6574; fax (559) 241-6276; water user account at
Water users should comply with the District’s water ordering procedures. Conveyance capacity through many laterals is constrained. District staff determines lateral demand based on water orders. When demand exceeds the capacity of the lateral, the entire lateral is adversely affected, and water service can be lost for all users on the lateral. To properly operate and maintain the
District’s water distribution system and, to a larger extent, the Central Valley Project, water users are required to place proper water orders in accordance with the District’s Terms and Conditions for Agricultural Water Service.
Water users who are found to be running without an order will have their meter(s) turned off pursuant to Article 2, Section 2.6.H of the District’s Rules and Regulations. In addition, meters found running without a valid water order may be subject to a lateral monitoring fee of up to $734.01. Accurate water orders are also critical for reference if a meter malfunctions or varies from a standard calibration range. Your monthly billing can be directly affected by the accuracy of your water orders.
Year-End Meter Readings
Customer Service Representative: (559) 241-6250
Water users who would like to provide year-end agricultural meter readings for their account can submit their own readings prior to midnight on February 29, 2024. Forms will be sent out via District notice in February and will be available on the District’s website. Forms may be submitted by fax to (559) 241-6276 or emailed to All readings received before midnight will be used to determine February water use. Readings received after this deadline will be rejected. Please call Customer Accounting at (559) 241-6250 if you have any questions about year-end meter readings.
Groundwater Well Maintenance
Quinn Manning: 559-884-2523 ext. 131
The District would like to remind water users that the meters installed on groundwater wells for compliance with the approved Groundwater Sustainability Plan are owned by the District and should not be removed, relocated, or adjusted by water users, their staff, or contractors. If a meter needs to be removed during regular maintenance or emergency repairs of the well and/or its discharge piping, please contact District staff so the meter can be removed during the work to
avoid any damage to the meter.
To connect privately owned AMI or monitoring systems to a District-owned meter, please contact Water Measurement Specialist, Quinn Manning.
Planned Maintenance Shutdown Schedule 2024
Alex Garcia: (559) 884-2523 ext. 108
The District issues a monthly listing of the maintenance schedule for the next 45 to 60 days. Shutdown notices for scheduled work are sent to affected water users in advance of each shutdown. If water users are not receiving these notices, please contact your Customer Service Representative to update your contact information.
Lateral(s) Impacted | Date(s) | Scheduled Work | Notes |
15L | Feb. 28 – March 1 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
2L | March 4 – 6 | Quinquennial | |
38L | March 4 – 6 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
12L | March 4 – 6 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
21L | March 4 – 6 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
26L | March 4 – 16 | Pipeline / Valve Replacement | Meters 26065 thru 26135 and 26005 thru 26055 to be placed back in service on March 8,2024 |
28L | March 11 – 13 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
PV9 | March 11 – 13 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | No Service Interruption |
1R-4.0C & D | March 13 – 15 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | 1R-4.0 “C” and “D” Reach Only |
R-4.0-1.0-1.0D | March 18 – 20 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | |
1R-4.0-1.0C | March 18 – 20 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | |
37L | March 18 – 27 | Slide Gate Replacement | |
3R | March 20 – 22 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | |
10L | March 20 – 22 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
1R | March 22 | PG&E Pole Replacement | 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. |
29L | March 25 – 27 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
34L | March 25 – 27 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
19L | March 27 – 29 | Deferred Elect. Maint. | P-Line Only |
7R | April 1 – 5 | 7RA Bypass Valve Replacement |
2024-2025 Quinquennial Inspection and Repair Shutdown Schedule
Alex Garcia: (559) 884-2523 ext. 108
The following table lists the District’s general order and initial dates planned for the pumping plant system inspection and repair shutdown schedule for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
Week | Division Valves to be inspected | Pumping Plant |
9/30/2024 | 26-1.7 | 26L |
10/7/2024 | 25R | |
10/14/2024 | 5-6.0 | 5L |
10/21/2024 | 14RA, 14RB, 14RC | |
10/28/2024 | 29-0.1 | 29RA, 29RB |
11/4/2024 | 8-5.0 | 8L |
11/18/2024 | 14-3.5, 14-5.5, 14-7.5, 14-10.5 | 14L |
12/2/2024 | 28R-1.0 | 28RA, 28RB, 28R-1.0W |
12/9/2024 | 9L | |
12/16/2024 | 11-2.0 | 11L |
1/6/2025 | 18R | |
1/13/2025 | 23L |
Land Available for Lease
Cork McIsaac of Agriculture Industries, Inc.: (916) 372-5595 or (800) 822-1415
The District has several parcels for lease in Fresno and Kings counties. For a list of available land, please contact Cork McIsaac.
Low-Interest Irrigation or Recharge Equipment Lease Program
Cork McIsaac of Agriculture Industries, Inc.: (916) 372-5595 or (800) 822-1415
The District has several parcels for lease in Fresno and Kings counties. For a list of available land, please contact Cork McIsaac.
Low-Interest Irrigation or Recharge Equipment Lease Program
Kori Peterson: (559) 241-6231 or
The District increased the loan amount for the Expanded Irrigation System Improvement or Recharge Program (EISIRP). The District’s EISIRP now offers low-interest loans of up to $200,000, to water users for the lease-purchase of irrigation systems and recharge project equipment. Water users who plan to install an irrigation system on land that is served by a pump enrolled in a District power program may also be eligible for a 35% cost share, up to $70,000, from the District’s EISIP/Public Purpose Program (P3) Grant. Additional information is available on the EISIRP and P3 pages on the District’s website.
Distribution Integration Program
Antonio Solorio:
The District is currently offering the Distribution Integration Program (DIP) for water users who wish to participate. The DIP provides water users the flexibility to develop and manage groundwater supplies for conveyance throughout the District. Information about the program is posted on the water supply page on the District’s website.
No. 733