Revised Due Date for Second Installment of Land-Based Charges
On August 29, 2017, a public hearing was held on the 2017 Proposed Benefit Assessment in compliance with Proposition 218 and the California Constitution. Public comments were received, and at the close of the public comment portion, ballots were counted. The number of weighted votes cast was in favor of the Proposed Benefit Assessment. Therefore, the Board adopted a resolution accepting the results of the Proposition 218 vote on the Proposed Benefit Assessment and approved the Schedule of Per Acre Valuations.
The District’s new benefit assessment now includes costs previously recovered through the long-term water supply land-based charges and the O&M land-based charges. Therefore, the District is revising the 2017-2018 land-based charge bills to reflect this change in method of recovering District costs.
It is anticipated that the first installment of the 2017-2018 land-based charges will remain unchanged. The amounts due to the District for the 2017-2018 second installment of land-based charges will change. District staff is currently revising the 2017-2018 land-based charge bills to reflect the reduction of costs collected through land-based charges. It is anticipated that the revised land-based charge bills will be mailed out on or before October 10, 2017.
Due to these changes, the due date for the September installment of the 2017-2018 Land-Based Charges has been postponed to November 1, 2017. A revised Land-Based Charge statement will be issued by the District at least 15 days prior to the November 1, 2017 due date. If you have already paid the September installment, the payment will be applied to the revised installment due November 1, 2017. If you have overpaid the total owed in land-based charges, the District will apply your overpayment to the 2017 assessment, which will be billed in October.
District policy remains in effect for late payments; a penalty will be added to unpaid charges on the day following the payment due date. Please contact Deborah Tuggle at (559) 241-6212 for additional information about Land-Based Charges.