Enclosed are your Agricultural Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement form(s) for the new water year. Applications are due on or before January 21, 2022. Postmark dates will not be accepted.
Applications received after January 21, 2022, will not receive an initial 2022-2023 Central Valley Project (CVP) Contract water allocation.
Applications may be mailed to:
- Westlands Water District, P.O. Box 6056, Fresno, CA 93703
Or hand-delivered to either of the District offices listed below:
- Fresno Office, 3130 N. Fresno St., Fresno, CA 93703
- Five Points Office, 23050 W. Mt. Whitney Ave, Five Points, CA 93624
All water users are subject to the District’s Regulations for the Allocation and Use of Agricultural Water and the Terms and Conditions for Agricultural Water Service. Terms and Conditions and Regulations are available on the District’s website under the About, Additional Information, Rules & Regs menu item. A water user may still apply for a lesser amount than the pro-rata allocation to which his land is entitled. Blank application forms can be obtained on the District’s website by logging into your web user account, selecting Menu, Forms, then selecting Water Allocation Application and Purchase Agreement.
The District has projected that the initial 2022-2023 allocation for south-of-Delta CVP agricultural service contractors will be 0%. District staff will continue to monitor conditions and will provide additional notice to water users if the allocation estimate changes.
Allocation Application Form Instructions
- Complete and sign both sides of the form.
- Update the water user name and address.
- List all land within Westlands’ boundaries for which allocation of CVP contract water is being requested.
- Using whole acre-feet, indicate the maximum amount of CVP contract water you would like to receive for each field. Actual allocations will be determined by the amount of water available to the District. If the amount requested is less than the ratable share, the amount requested will be the amount allocated to the water user.
- Using whole acres, indicate number of estimated fallowed acres for each field. Providing this information to the District will not impact your request for a water supply allocation. This information will only be used to educate the public on how the continued lack of water supply is impacting our water users.
- The District uses acreage records from the U.S. Farm Service Agency (FSA) or District measurements to determine your allocation. You must provide verification from the FSA for any changes. FSA determinations dated after March 1, 2022, will not result in an adjustment to your initial 2022-2023 allocation but will be used for allocations made subsequent to the change.
- If you are increasing or decreasing the total acreage you farm prior to March 1, 2022, you must submit a revised 2021-2022 application in addition to your 2022-2023 application.
Account Contact Information Form Instructions
- Please review the list of authorized contacts associated with your account and make any necessary changes. It is imperative District staff has current contact information for all individuals within your organization who are authorized to manage your account. This information will be used to contact you in the event of an emergency lateral shutdown, overcapacity condition, or other issues that could affect water service to your farm.
- Sign, date, and return the contact form along with your allocation application.
- Allocation applications missing the account contact information form will be considered incomplete and are subject to processing delays.
Please contact your Customer Service Representative at (559) 241-6250 if you have any questions regarding the allocation application or contact information form.