This notice regards:
2024-2025 District Election – Mailing of Ballots
On Monday, October 7, 2024, ballot packets for the November 5, 2024, District Election were mailed to all eligible voters within the District. The ballot packets include the ballot, instructions, voter pamphlet, candidate statements, and a return envelope. If you do not receive your ballot within seven (7) days, please contact Jessie Xiong at (559) 241-6212 or Stephen Farmer at (559) 241-6240.
2024-2025 District Election – Voter Workshops
The District will hold two (2) Voter Workshops in October. The workshops will be hosted at the District office and will also be accessible remotely via Zoom. The purpose of the workshops is to provide instructions on how to fill out the ballot and return envelopes. The scheduled dates for the workshops are as follows:
October 17, 2024, at 2:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 2662 2204
Passcode: 3130
October 29, 2024, at 2:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 0633 4892
Passcode: 3130
One Tap Mobile
+16694449171,,82806334892#,,,,*3130# US
If you have questions about your ballot packet prior to or after the workshops, please contact Jessie Xiong at (559) 241-6212 or Stephen Farmer at (559) 241-6240.