This notice regards:
District Election
The District will conduct an all-mail election for the Board of Directors on October 24, 2017. Ballots will be mailed to each District landowner, beginning the last week of September 2017.
Voting By Trusts
To ensure the timely receipt of ballot materials by landowners, the District needs to update its election ownership information with respect to lands that are held in the name of a trust. If you have sent in your deeds or trust information in past elections, there is no need to send it again. If you have just recently recorded your Deed we will need a copy. If a trustee(s) has changed or was not noted on the deed when recorded, the District requests a copy of the Grant Deed or Trust document listing the trustee(s). In addition, the District also needs a current mailing address for the trustee(s). With this information, the District can then issue and mail ballots directly to the trustee(s), eliminating the need for the trust to complete a “Signature Authorization to Vote” form.
Secondary Ownership Address Needed
Before an election, the District updates its land ownership records from data provided by the Fresno and Kings County Assessors’ offices. This data, however, only contains the addresses for the primary owners. To avoid receiving multiple ballots and having to forward them to coowners, the District requests that primary owners provide the District with co-owner mailing addresses. Updating the addresses will allow the District to mail the ballots directly to these owners, thereby avoiding delays and any inconvenience.
Please submit the information requested above in writing, by September 8, 2017, to the District at P.O. Box 6056, Fresno, CA 93703-6056. For additional assistance or information, please contact Deborah Tuggle (559) 241-6212 or Lucinda Anderson (559) 241-6218.