This notice regards:
2016-2017 Supplemental Water Update
The District received adjusted timely applications for 2016-2017 Supplemental Water totaling 116,705 acre-feet and late applications totaling 8,863 acre-feet on 256,450 acres. The District fulfilled the timely and late requests and has approximately 16,500 acre-feet remaining that will be rescheduled to the 2017-2018 water supply year. Allocations of Supplemental Water began in May, and the timing and amounts of allocations for the year are shown in the table below.
Allocation Month | AF Amount |
April | 0 |
May – Actual | 11,039 |
June – Actual | 78,161 |
July – Actual | 8,961 |
August – Actual | 0 |
September – Actual | 10,086 |
October – Actual | 9,882 |
November – Actual | 6,789 |
December – Actual | 650 |
January – Actual | 0 |
February – Actual | 0 |
Total | 125,568 |
2017-2018 Supplemental Water Application – Response May Be Required
The District is planning to acquire supplemental water from multiple sources for the 2017-2018 water contract year. It is estimated that the delivered cost to water users will be in the range of $350 – $500 per acre-foot. The District anticipates that a partial allocation of Supplemental Water to water users could occur in late spring, but the majority of the Supplemental Water is currently planned to be allocated in the summer.
When the allocation of Supplemental Water occurs, the quantity allocated to a water user’s account is a proration based upon the water available at that time and the number of irrigable acres associated with accounts that have outstanding requests. When an account’s request has been fulfilled, it will no longer receive allocations, and the irrigable acres associated with that account will not be factored into subsequent allocations. Accordingly, water users with relatively high per acre requests will receive the bulk (increment above the pro-rata amount) of their request later, if water is available.
Advance payment for acquisition costs of the water is required at the time of allocation, while operation and maintenance related costs will be billed when the water is used. The District will notify water users regarding the allocation advance payment when acquisition costs are more certain. The allocation advance payment will apply toward the delivered Supplemental Water rate. If an advance payment is delinquent for 30 days or more, the District may withdraw the water made available for allocation to a water user and reduce the water user’s outstanding request by the same amount. The water will be allocated to water user accounts as Project water or non-Project water (if available), allowing Full-Cost rates to be applied as required by Reclamation law.
Given the pending Central Valley Project (CVP) south-of-Delta initial water allocation in mid-March, applications are not due until May 1, 2017. If you would like to be part of the Supplemental Water program, please complete the enclosed agreement and return it to the Fresno Office by close of business on May 1, 2017. The agreement may be mailed to Westlands Water District, P.O. Box 6056, Fresno, CA 93703, but agreements not received at the District by the due date will not be considered timely (regardless of the postmark). You may also hand deliver the agreement to the District’s Fresno Office at 3130 N. Fresno Street. Requests received after the deadline will receive a lower priority for allocations and will be filled on a firstcome, first-serve basis. Please direct questions to your Customer Accounting Technician at (559) 241-6250.
2017-2018 Budget, Water Rates and Charges Approved
At the February 28, 2017 meeting, the Board of Directors approved the 2017-2018 budget, water rates, and charges. The budget totals $194,085,000 and may be revised when the final water supply is determined, if warranted. The budget provides funds for water and power purchases and the operations, maintenance and administrative activities of the District. The budget also includes funding for coordination with other agencies and contractors on water supply matters; legal challenges to our water supplies; and Westlands Water Quality Coalition activities.
The water rates and charges are based upon 471,415 acre-feet of water from all sources. With this total supply, the District O&M rate is $31.86 per acre-foot. The Board also approved land-based charges for long-term water supply debt service, District water supply debt service, extraordinary repairs of distribution system pipelines, and operations and maintenance costs. A drainage service area land-based charge was approved on behalf of associated landowners for litigation activities. In addition, a Westlands Water Quality Coalition charge was approved to cover the costs associated with administering this program.
Water users should also note that approved Account Monitoring Charges are $11,244 each month when any billed overuse occurs, and $567 for those who are subject to Advance Payment Monitoring. Water users can avoid these charges by discontinuing water use when their water supply is exhausted, and making payments timely in compliance with District regulations. Tools are available on the customer section of the District’s website to help water users determine when they will run out of water. Contact your Customer Accounting Technician if you need assistance with website data or to establish a secure login.
The complete list of rates, charges and credits may be found on the District’s website. From the home page, point to the Water Management tab and click on the Water Rates tab.
2017-2018 Land-Based Charges
The bills for the 2017-2018 Land-Based Charges will be mailed on or about March 10, 2017, with the first installment due March 27, 2017, and the second installment due September 25, 2017. A penalty will be added to unpaid charges on the day following the payment due date. Please contact Deborah Tuggle at (559) 241- 6212 for additional information about Land-Based Charges.
2017 Repayment Contract Benefit Assessment
At the February 28, 2017 meeting, the Board of Directors adopted the Schedule of Per Acre Valuations for the 2017 Repayment Contract Benefit Assessment and set the Equalization Hearing date of May 16, 2017 for equalizing the Assessment Roll and setting the benefit valuation rates.
Reclamation Law Forms Reminder
Reclamation Law Forms were due to the District on February 1, 2017, and are now considered late. Lands will be ineligible for water service in the new water year until all forms are submitted and processed by the District. All forms will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Water users with leases should check with their landowners to ensure forms for their leased lands have been submitted. If you have not already turned in your forms, please do so immediately. Please direct questions to Customer Accounting at (559) 241-6250.
Groundwater Sustainability Plan Update
The District will form a technical group made up of interested land owners to review and discuss the development of the District’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). If you are interested in participating in the described group that will focus on the technical side of the District’s GSP development, please contact Kiti Campbell at (559) 241-6226 or The District’s SGMA activities are on our webpage.
Westlands Water Quality Coalition Members
Westlands Water Quality Coalition (WWQC) members were required to complete the 2016 Farm Evaluation Survey and the 2016 Nitrogen Summary Report by March 1, 2017. The WWQC utilizes a web-based system for the submittal of both reports at 4Creeks website. Notifications will be sent out for parcels that do not have a 2016 Farm Evaluation and 2016 Nitrogen Summary Reports in the web-based system. Failure to complete submittals could result in fines assessed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Please contact Charlotte Gallock at (559) 241-6244 or or Debra Dunn at (559) 241- 6242 or with any questions or comments.
Lease of District Owned Land
The District has land available for lease in Fresno and Kings Counties. For a detailed list of available land, please contact Cork McIsaac of Agriculture Industries, Inc. at (916) 372-5595 or (800) 822-1415.
Annual Water User Workshop
The annual water user workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, at 1:30 p.m., at the District’s Five Points Field Office. District staff will provide updates on District activities and other matters. An agenda for the workshop is attached.
The deadline for submitting this form has passed. If you have questions, please call customer accounting at: (559) 241-6250