This notice regards:
San Luis Reservoir Refill Projection
The Bureau of Reclamation is coordinating with the Department of Water Resources to pump Central Valley Project (CVP) water at Banks Pumping Plant (the State pumping plant) in February to fill the CVP share of San Luis Reservoir. If San Luis Reservoir fills on the federal side, then the District and its water users could experience loss of Rescheduled Water prior to the end of the contract year. Water users are encouraged to manage their water supply to minimize the risk of loss as described below. San Luis Reservoir storage levels are illustrated on the District’s website.
2016-2017 Rescheduled Water
At the end of December, water users had remaining supplies of approximately 245,000 acre-feet. If demands for water and transfers into the District follow current projections through February, the District could have about 237,000 acre-feet of water stored in San Luis Reservoir on March 1, 2017. Due to very wet conditions and the State Water Project pumping additional water for the CVP, San Luis Reservoir is likely to fill, thereby increasing the chance that water will be lost. The District recommends water users manage water use to minimize risk of loss.
Water users are reminded that the District’s Rescheduled Water Policy provides that any loss of Rescheduled Water will be prorated based on acre-feet, in the following order and manner:
- Any remaining Rescheduled Water in excess of the Acreage Based Cap.
- Water rescheduled by the District.
- Remaining Rescheduled Water.
- Delivered Rescheduled Water in excess of the Acreage Based Cap.
- Delivered Rescheduled Water within the Acreage Based Cap.
In response to some questions received about these loss provisions, water users should note that the Acreage Based Cap of 0.5 acre-feet per irrigable acre is not secure from loss. Also of note, the policy states water users shall pay all water costs that the District incurs, the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority O&M rate and any applicable District rates. Further, the rescheduling fee is not refundable if water is rescheduled and lost.
2016-2017 Supplemental Water Update
The District received adjusted timely applications for 2016-17 Supplemental Water totaling 116,705 acre-feet and late applications totaling 8,863 acre-feet on 256,450 acres. It is estimated that the delivered cost for water users will be $695 per acre-foot. At this time, the District anticipates it will acquire about 142,150 acre-feet of water supply and fulfill the timely and late requests and have approximately 16,500 acre-feet remaining. Advance payment for the acquisition costs of the water is required at the time of allocation. Conveyance-related costs will be billed when the water is used. Allocations of Supplemental Water began in May, and the timing and amounts of expected allocations for the year are shown in the table below. This schedule will continue to be updated monthly to reflect additional supplies and/or changes to the timing for delivery.
Allocation Month | AF Amount |
April | 0 |
May – Actual | 11,039 |
June – Actual | 78,161 |
July – Actual | 8,961 |
August – Actual | 0 |
September – Actual | 10,086 |
October – Actual | 9,882 |
November – Actual | 6,789 |
December – Actual | 650 |
January (Projected) | 0 |
February (Projected) | 0 |
Total | 125,568 |
The District continues to receive offers to purchase additional Supplemental Water supplies. If water users wish to acquire additional Supplemental Water, they should consider submitting a late request.
2016-2017 and Projected 2017-2018 CVP Contract Allocation
The Bureau of Reclamation’s 2016-2017 water contract year allocation to Central Valley Project (CVP) southof-Delta agricultural water service contractors is 5%. Based on CVP operations to date and projections for the remaining water contract year, the District believes the allocation will remain at 5% and is not anticipated to increase.
The Bureau of Reclamation has not yet announced an initial 2017-18 allocation for CVP water service contractors. The District expects that Reclamation will make an initial allocation in February or March and that it will be in the 10 – 15% range. The final allocation, typically made in April or May, could increase to 35-45%, if the hydrology continues to be above normal, especially in the watersheds that produce runoff on the San Joaquin River.
The CVP currently has approximately 7 million acre-feet of water stored in northern CVP reservoirs; this represents 134% of the 15-year average. Storage in Shasta Reservoir is approximately 3.6 million acre-feet; 135% of normal for this time of year. Federal storage in San Luis Reservoir is approximately 570,000 acre-feet; 92% of the 15-year average. Jones Pumping Plant is currently operating at about 93% of capacity and has pumped approximately 120,000 acre-feet thus far in January.
Public Hearing on Proposed 2017 Benefit Assessment Valuation Schedule
The Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2017 Repayment Contract Benefit Assessment Valuation Schedule on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. at the District’s Fresno Office, 3130 N. Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93703. Landowners and water users will have the opportunity to comment on the proposed valuation schedule.
The Repayment Contract Benefit Assessment is levied to collect a portion of the District’s annual repayment obligation to the United States for costs incurred in building distribution and drainage collector facilities. The Recommended Schedule of Per Acre Valuations for the 2017 Repayment Contract Benefit Assessment is unchanged from the schedules that have been used since 1990. Copies of the schedule are available from Deborah Tuggle at (559) 241-6212.
Public Hearing on Proposed 2017-18 Water Rates, Charges and Land-Based Charges
The District will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2017-2018 water rates, charges and land-based charges on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, at 1:00 p.m., at the District’s Fresno Office, 3130 N. Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93703. At this public hearing, the Board will hear and consider all objections or protests, if any, to the proposed water rates, charges and land-based charges.
These rates and charges are proposed in order to pay the costs of water service, including District operations and maintenance; debt service related to the acquisition of long-term water supplies; certain repairs of distribution system pipe; drainage service area costs for representation of landowners; and activities of the Westlands Water Quality Coalition associated with the waste discharge requirements general order for the Western Tulare Lake Basin Watershed. For additional information, please refer to the District’s notice dated January 6, 2017.
If you have any questions, please call the following:
- For water rates and charges, Customer Accounting at (559) 241-6250
- For land-based charges, Deborah Tuggle at (559) 241-6212
- For charges of the Westlands Water Quality Coalition, Charlotte Gallock at (559) 241-6244
Reclamation Law Certification/Reporting
Earlier this month, notices were mailed to water users and landowners regarding the Reclamation Law’s annual certification/reporting requirements. The forms are due for filing with the District by February 1, 2017. Lands are ineligible for service in the new water year until the forms are submitted. This filing deadline allows timely processing of the forms and helps to ensure water service is not interrupted. Water users who lease land may want to check with their landowners to make sure the landowner is aware of and will return the form(s) by the deadline. If you have any questions, please call Lucinda Anderson at (559) 241-6218 or Christine Braziel at (559) 241-6224.
Groundwater Sustainability Plan Update
The District will form a technical group made up of interested land owners to review and discuss the development of the District’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). If you are interested in participating in the described group that will focus on the technical side of the District’s GSP development, please contact Kiti Campbell at (559) 241-6226 or for additional information. To stay updated on the District’s SGMA activities please visit our webpage.
Westlands Water Quality Coalition Members
Westlands Water Quality Coalition (WWQC) members are required to complete the 2016 Farm Evaluation Survey and the 2016 Nitrogen Summary Report by March 1, 2017. WWQC will utilize a web-based system for the submittal of both reports. The system is expected to be available the first week of February. A notification will be sent to all coalition members when the system is accessible. A workshop will be held in early February to discuss the web-based system and the reporting procedure. Please contact Charlotte Gallock at (559) 241- 6244 or or Debra Dunn at (559) 241-6242 or with any questions or comments.
Reminder: Use of USBR-Owned Land and Right-of-Way
The District reminds all water users to please avoid unauthorized use of Bureau of Reclamation-owned lands and Right-of-Way. Farming seasonal crops, permanent plantings, and general construction are prohibited inside lands owned by the Bureau or its Right-of-Way along the San Luis and Coalinga Canals. Any work or use in these areas requires prior authorization and multiple permits. If a water user discovers a leak which may come from the San Luis Canal, or areas of Bureau property that need weed control or work is needed on a temporary Diversion on either Canal, please contact Kelly Vandergon at (559) 884-2523 ext. 107 or so that it can be reported to DWR and the Bureau in order to request the necessary permits.
Lease of District Owned Land
The District has land available for lease in Fresno and Kings Counties. For a detailed list of available land, please contact Cork McIsaac of Agriculture Industries, Inc. at (916) 372-5595 or (800) 822-1415.
Holiday Office Closure & Water Ordering Procedures
District offices will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2017, in observance of President’s Day. The affected water ordering deadlines are as follows:
For Water Use On | Place Water Order By |
Saturday or Sunday – February 18 or 19 | Friday, February 17, 9:30 a.m. |
Monday or Tuesday – February 20 or 21 | Friday, February 17, noon |
The emergency telephone number for after hours and holidays is (559) 224-1523.