The District is pre-allocating Delta Division Section 215 (215) water to water users that submitted an Agricultural Water Allocation Application for the 2023-2024 water contract year, including Annexed Lands. Water users will be able to use their allocated 215 water until the Bureau of Reclamation ends the 215 period. If required, the District may remove any unused 215 water from water user accounts at the end of the 215 period. The District will administratively set 215 water as the highest delivery priority for all water user accounts. If there is unallocated 215 water at the end of the 215 period, the District could allocate the unallocated 215 water and allow unused 215 water in water users’ accounts to remain. The projected cost of 215 water is expected to be between $85-90 per acre-foot.
Water users may return any portion of their pre-allocation of 215 water, for any reason, by May 1, 2023.
If you have any questions concerning Delta Division Section 215 water, please contact Stephen Farmer at (559) 241-6240.
No. 702