This notice regards:
2017-2018 Section 215 Water Availability Ending
On March 24, 2017, the District issued Notice No. 499 notifying water users that Section 215 water was available for use within the District. Staff anticipated that this temporary supply would continue through April 30, 2017, but could be available longer depending on hydrology and project operations. The Section 215 water is considered an interruptible water supply and can be discontinued at any time. On Friday, May 12, 2017, the United States Bureau of Reclamation advised CVP contractors that south-of-Delta Section 215 water deliveries will cease on Monday, May 15, 2017 or Tuesday, May 16, 2017. Water users are encouraged to deliver all their Section 215 water prior to the end of May or prior to the start of sustained drawdown of San Luis Reservoir, whichever occurs first, to avoid loss.
Please keep in mind that water users will need to provide records demonstrating that their groundwater wells were shut down while they were taking Section 215 water deliveries.
2017 San Luis Reservoir Drawdown Projection and Rescheduled Water Use
Westlands rescheduled 213,850 acre-feet into the 2017-2018 water contract year. 130,000 acre-feet remained after April, and approximately 25,000 acre-feet could remain after May and be at risk of loss if San Luis Reservoir starts sustained drawdown in early June. Water users are encouraged to shut off wells and continue delivering surface water to avoid loss of 2016 Rescheduled Water.