This notice regards:
Board of Directors Appointment
Bobbie Ormonde: (559) 241-6203.
On Tuesday, March 15, the Westlands Water District Board of Directors appointed Jeff Fortune to fill the vacancy created when Director Todd Neves resigned last month. Mr. Fortune will serve through December 2022, when he will stand for election to fill the remainder of the term.
Mr. Fortune has farmed in Westlands for over four decades. Since he graduated from the University of California at Davis, he has worked alongside his father, and more recently, his two brothers, at their family farm, Fortune Farming Company. Fortune currently grows tomatoes, almonds, and pistachios on his family farm.
The Economic Impact of Westlands Water District
On March 16 the Economic Impact of Westlands Water District (PDF) report written by Dr. Shires was released. Laura Ramos (California Water Institute) and Cordie Qualle (Lyles College of Engineering) along with Dr. Shires are writing an article for Craig’s Central California Business Review magazine based in part on the report. The article will be presented at an event on April 21, at 6 pm at the Craig School of Business at Fresno State, Peters Building Room 191. Attendance is free. Register at Constant Contact Website.
Revised Water Rates, Charges, and Land-Based Charges Approved
The Board of Directors approved revised rates and charges retroactive to March 1, 2022. These rates are based on a 0% Central Valley Project contract water allocation and other delivered water supplies, totaling 183,982 acre-feet. Please refer to the District’s website for the most current water rates, charges, and land-based charges.
2022-2023 Land-Based Charges Due
Jessie Xiong:(559) 241-6212
The bills for the 2022-2023 Land-Based Charges were mailed on March 10, 2022, with the first installment due March 25, 2022, and the second installment due September 26, 2022. A penalty will be added to unpaid charges on the day following the payment due date.
Allocation of District System Gain
Customer Service Representative: (559) 241-6250
The Finance and Administration Committee authorized allocating up to 1,000 acre-feet of 2021-2022 System Gain supply (subject to final adjustments) to water users that delivered water during the period that system gain was generated. These allocations will appear on your March 2022 allocation statements (mailed in early April).
2022-2023 CVP Contract Allocation
On February 23, 2022, the Bureau of Reclamation announced an initial 2022-23 Central Valley Project (CVP) allocation of 0% for South of Delta agricultural water contractors. Reclamation may make additional allocation announcements based on updated hydrologic information, as it is available. However, given the very low storage currently in CVP reservoirs, it is likely that the final allocation to South of Delta agricultural water contractors will be 0%.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Update
Antonio Solorio: (559) 241-6244 or
For the 2022-23 Contract Year, the District anticipates that approximately 630,000 AF of groundwater will be pumped and the subbasin will experience an average groundwater level decline of 40 feet.
The District will host a Special Board meeting on March 21, 2022 at 2:00 p.m at the District’s Five Points Shop and Field Ofice to consider adopting the Rules and Regulations to support the implementation of the Westside Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan.
The next regular Advisory Committee (AC) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings are scheduled for May 24, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
GWMP Meter Installation and Well Modifications
Alex Young: (559) 884-2523 X122 or
District staff continues installing meters on groundwater wells and as such will be reaching out to well owners on needed modifications and installation schedules.
The District would like to remind water users that meters installed on groundwater wells for compliance with the approved Groundwater Sustainability Plan are owned by the District and should not be adjusted or moved by water users or their staff. If water users are planning to abandon a well and want to move the meter to a new site, please contact District staff so it can be moved for you.
If water users desire to connect privately owned AMI or monitoring systems to a District owner meter, then please contact Water Measurement Specialist, John Johnston at 559-884-2523 ext. 131.
Please report meter issues, and do not remove or replace District-owned meters.
Westlands Water District Policy for Unclaimed Monies
The District’s Policy for Unclaimed Monies and a list of unclaimed monies for previous and current landowners and water users are available on both the District’s website and the web users’ login site.
2022-2023 Supplemental Water Application – Response May Be Required
Customer Accounting Technician: (559) 241-6250
The District is planning to acquire Supplemental Water from multiple sources for the 2022-2023 water contract year. A small amount of Supplemental Water may be made available for allocation to water users in late spring, but the majority of the Supplemental Water is currently planned to be made available in late summer and early fall.
When Supplemental Water is made available for allocation, the quantity allocated to a water user’s account is a proration based upon the water available at that time and the number of irrigable acres associated with accounts that have outstanding requests. When an account’s request has been fulfilled, it will no longer receive allocations, and the irrigable acres associated with that account will not be factored into subsequent allocations. Accordingly, water users with relatively high per-acre requests will receive the bulk (increment above the pro-rata amount) of their request later, if water is available.
Advance payment for acquisition costs of the water is required at the time Supplemental Water is made available for allocation, while operation and maintenance-related costs will be billed when the water is used. The District will notify water users regarding the allocation advance payment when acquisition costs are more certain. The allocation advance payment will apply toward the delivered Supplemental Water rate. If an advance payment is delinquent for 30 days or more, the District may withdraw the water made available for allocation to a water user and reduce the water user’s outstanding request by the same amount.
If you would like to be part of the 2022-2023 Supplemental Water program, please complete the enclosed agreement and return it to the Fresno Office by close of business on April 29, 2022, by one of the following means.
Mail to: Westlands Water District, P.O. Box 6056, Fresno, CA 93703. You may also hand-deliver the agreement to the District’s Fresno Office, at 3130 N. Fresno Street.
Scan and email:
Facsimile to: (559) 241-6276
Agreements not received at the District or postmarked by the due date will not be considered timely. Late requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis after timely requests are filled.
2022-2023 Water Supply Update
The Central Valley Project (CVP) currently has approximately 4.3 million acre-feet of water stored in northern CVP reservoirs; this represents 59% of the 15-year average. Shasta Reservoir storage is approximately 1.71 million acre-feet; 54% of the 15-year average. Federal storage in San Luis Reservoir is 317,000 acre-feet; 49% of the 15-year average. Jones Pumping Plant has operated at about 24% capacity this month.
Rescheduled and Carryover Water
Water users will continue to have access to carryover water throughout the 2022-2023 contract water year. Reclamation’s Rescheduling Guidelines impose a 1% per month storage loss factor for evaporation and system losses on remaining rescheduled and carryover water in San Luis Reservoir. This loss factor will be prorated to rescheduled and carried over water remaining in water user accounts each month until the District delivers all remaining carry over water. Neither the types of water in an account nor participation in the Supplemental Water program are factors that affect the amount of water that a water user can carry over under the District’s Rescheduling Guidelines. It is possible due to water users’ use of other water types, when the loss is prorated, the percentage of loss applied will be less than 1%. The District is reviewing all costs associated with this water and will be posting appropriate charges to affected water user accounts.
Water Ordering and Meter Turn Off
Customer Service Representative: (559) 241-6250
To set up a Westlands online account, please contact your Customer Service Representative.
For Water Use On | Place Water Order By | Method |
Tuesday-Saturday | Day before | 7:30-9:30 a.m., by telephone or fax, or 10:00 a.m. by website |
Sunday-Monday | Friday before | 12:00 p.m. by telephone, fax or website |
Phone (559) 241-6250 or (800) 266-6574, Fax (559) 241-6276, water user account at
Water users should comply with the District’s water ordering procedures. Conveyance capacity through many laterals is constrained and District staff determines lateral demand based on water orders. When demand exceeds the capacity of the lateral, the entire lateral is adversely affected, and water service can be lost for all users on the lateral. To properly operate and maintain the District’s water distribution system, and to a larger extent the Central Valley Project, water users are required to place proper water orders in accordance with the District’s Terms and Conditions for Agricultural Water Service.
Further, water users who are found to be running without an order will have their meter(s) turned off pursuant to Article 2, Section 2.6.H of the District’s Rules and Regulations. In addition, meters found running without a valid water order may be subject to a portion of or entire lateral monitoring fee of $635.53. Accurate water orders are also critical for reference if a meter malfunctions, or varies from a
standard calibration range. Your monthly billing can be directly affected by the accuracy of your water orders.
Cross Connections and District Facility Protection
Field Engineering Staff: 559-884-2523
District facilities and adjacent water user property have suffered minor damages due to cross-connections with the District’s distribution system. We understand that flexibility is needed to connect and operate onfarm irrigation systems. Consideration needs to be given to the District’s distribution system when crossconnecting groundwater wells and other sources of water to protect District pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, and adjacent private property from damage. For assistance on proper connections, please contact District Field Engineering staff.
Planned Maintenance Shutdown Schedule 2022
Jimmy Weedin: (559) 884-2523 ext. 108
The District issues a monthly listing of the maintenance schedule for the next 45 to 60 days. Shutdown notices for scheduled work are sent to affected water users in advance of each shutdown. If water users are not receiving these notices, please contact your Customer Service Representative to update your contact information.
Lateral(s) Impacted | Date(s) | Scheduled Work | Notes |
4L | March 21-24 | Pipe Repair | Entire Lateral Affected |
4-6.5 Subline | March 28-April 1 | Pipe Repair | Subline Only |
Advanced Notice of 2022-2023 Quinquennial Inspection and Repair Shutdown Schedule
Jimmy Weedin: (559) 884-2523 ext. 108
The following table lists the District’s general order and initial dates planned for pumping plant system inspection and repair shutdown schedule for fiscal year 2022-2023.
Week | Division Valves to be inspected | Pumping Plant |
September 26, 2022 | 12-0.5 | 12L |
October 3 | 21L | |
October 10 | 30-1.3 | 30L |
October 17 | 27-5.0 | 27L |
October 24 | 28-2.0, 3.0, & 4.0 | 28L |
October 31 | PV9-1.5 | PV9 |
November 14 | 1RA, 1R-2.0B, & 1R-4.0B | |
December 5 | 1R-4.0C & 1R-4.0D | |
December 12 | 1R-4.0-1.0C & 1R-4.0-1.0D | |
January 9, 2023 | 3R | |
January 23 | 10L | |
January 30 | 29-1.0 | 29L |
February 6 | 34L | |
February 13 | 19L | |
February 27 | 1L |
Westlands Water Quality Coalition Members
Zac Just: (559) 241-6245 or
Kori Peterson:(559) 241-6231 or
The 2021 Crop Year Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan (INMP) Reports were due March 1, 2022. All submissions are required to be completed on the Coalition Website. If you have not submitted the INMP Report, please contact the Coalition as soon as possible to fulfill this requirement.
Land Available for Lease
Cork McIsaac of Agriculture Industries, Inc.: (916) 372-5595 or (800) 822-1415
The District has several parcels for lease in Fresno and Kings counties. For a list of available land, please contact Cork McIsaac.
Low-Interest Irrigation Equipment Lease Program
Juan Pacheco: (559) 241-6228 or
In October the District amended the Expanded Irrigation System Improvement Program (EISIP) to include recharge project equipment. The District’s EISIP offers low-interest loans, of up to $130,000, to water users for the lease-purchase of irrigation system and recharge project equipment. Water users who plan to install a system on land that is served by a pump enrolled in a District power program may also be eligible for a 35% cost share, up to $45,000, from the District’s EISIP/Public Purpose Program (P3) Grant. Additional information is available on the EISIP and P3 pages on the District’s website.
Water Ordering Procedures for Pumps Enrolled in District Power Programs
The District’s Groundwater Management Program and Temporary Diversion Program provide Western Area Power Administration energy to temporary diversion pumps, groundwater pumps, and drip system booster pumps. The District’s Terms and Conditions for Agricultural Water Service apply to water delivered under the Groundwater Management and Temporary Diversion programs. Accordingly, water users are required to place their water orders three days in advance if they are delivering water through a pump enrolled in the District’s power program. It is critical that water users comply with the ordering procedures to ensure that the District’s request for power to operate these facilities is accurate. Failure to place timely “on” or “off” orders will result in inaccurate power requests and increased power costs, which are then passed on to program participants.
2022-2023 Agreement to Accept and Purchase Supplemental Water (PDF)